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First Wave

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Become a First Wave Member
Ride the Quantum Wave 
A Revolutionary Way to Heal and Improve Your Life!
The First Wave program is the sole membership option available at this time.

    By becoming a First Wave member of QHS, you have an extraordinary opportunity to be at the forefront of something truly special. You will experience the transformative power of our community and the wonderful benefits of the Quantum Twine Wave Effect®. We believe this dynamic combo has the potential to revolutionize wellness and improve your life and the lives of those around you in ways you never thought possible. Do you want to be a part of something leading-edge?
    Membership Has Privileges
    Divider Text
    As a First Wave Member You Receive:
    • Access to our community platform.
    • Priority Access to new Quantum Twine Wave Effect® technologies, including the Home Health System® and any other future technology.
    • Access to community calls, blog posts, forums, and diaries.
    • Opportunity to learn about the quantum theories
    • Interaction with our beautiful QHS community on live calls
    • Quantum Ownership through volunteering
    • A platform to share your experience and learn about the experience of others
     What You Need to Join Today 
    • $450 for Annual Membership Fee 
    (Membership Fee subject to change)
    • Donation for Shipping & Handling of your gifted QTWave 
               ($10 US shipipng and $75 International shipping.  Shipping donation is subject to change. )
    •  A unique login email address not currently in use by another QHS Member
    • That's it! Simple. Quick. Effective.
    • This community has already been a positive influence on THOUSANDS. Are you ready to be our next success story?

      The New Quantum Twine Wave
    Home Healing System 


    The Next-Level Prototype:
    Divine Scripture®  Members Get First Access.*

    Divider Text
    We are excited to share what we've created in the QTW-HHS® program. This device was designed to bring your whole home to optimal frequency for all of life (yes, that includes your pets and plants). This device promotes the state of vitality, relaxation, and wellbeing. With the QTW-HHS® program on your side and the power of our active and transformative community, you can rest easy knowing that you are supported on your path toward health and supply.
    Donations to Quantum Healing Systems® : Not a Purchase
    We want to clarify that any donations made to Divine Scripture®  and Quantum Healing Systems® , whether they are for membership plans or personal contributions, are not classified as a purchase. We value every contribution we receive and are grateful for your support in helping us to advance our mission of bringing about wellbeing and transformation.

    72-Hour Cancellation Policy:
    You have 72-Hours to cancel the Annual Subscription Fee. You can choose to cancel for any reason with this time frame. 
    We encourage you to carefully consider your decision to become a member and support this groundbreaking approach to health and healing through our Global Non-Profit Humanitarian project. Your contribution can make a tremendous difference in advancing our mission and bringing about positive change in the world. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration, and we look forward to welcoming you to our community.

    The Newest Prototype
    The QTW-HHS®  is our newest Prototype now being supported by Proof of Concept Donations. This unique device is not a for sale, and access to information regarding this technology is only available to Quantum Healing Systems®  Members.

    Insider Access to Exclusive Information
    As an annual subscription member of our Global Non-Profit Humanitarian project, you will gain insider access to exclusive information about the new technologies being developed and studied through our Proof of Concept Trials. Your membership offers a unique opportunity to stay up-to-date on the latest advancements and be a part of our transformative work in the world. Thank you for your support and dedication to advancing the field of health and wellness.

    Your Donations
    Your COMPLETED Donations are required before shipment of any gift.