[GetAddress f3194 hide=no language=EN gkey=AIzaSyAt-KQt5uMmqmxAQK4HnZcJgyTMICunapI address=f1952 city=f1955 zip=f1956 state=f1954 country=f1957] First Wave Membership
Become a Member
Quantum TWINE Wave Effect®
A Path to Wellness and Healing

Currently Accepting Members for Membership Level:

First Wave

Congratulations on taking the first step to your new life!

QHS FIRST WAVE are catching the Quantum Twine Waves and it’s a beautiful thing! 


  • Receive the newest V9 QTWave. You only donate for Shipping and Handling.
  • First Wave begin the QTWave Trial Study immediately – once the Online Survey is completed
  • First Wave gets 72 hours of Free membership.  
  • First Wave gets 72 hours to pay for your Membership. There is no charge to the credit card provided during the first 3 days of Trial Membership
  • First Wave are required to complete a Monthly Survey to chart progress
  • The V9 QTWave provided will be activated for 1 year from the time of production
  • The Annual Subscription Fee is required to continue receiving benefits from the Quantum Twine Wave Effect.  Just like how your WIFI subscription works, annaul membership renewal is required for continued access to QTWave benefits.  Membership and participation go hand in hand. 
  • First Wave is invited to join in the daily LIVE ZOOM CALLS with massive benefits to lead to explosive personal growth and organic evolution
  • First Wave benefits from daily HHS Meditations, anchoring the Quantum Twine Wave around the world

There has never been a better time to join and participate in the QHS Projects, the most important technology to be introduced in this lifetime!

Frequency is Everything
Everything is Frequency

Click here if you are gifting a First Wave Membership.
Please do not use this page to gift a membership.

Join the Proof-of-Concept Study
Contact Information
*If you were referred by a current QHS member, please enter the email address of the member that referred you.
Credit Card Information
Order Summary
Divider Text
72-Hour Trial Period:
First Wave Members have a 72 hour trial period after sign-up, if membership not canceled during that 72 hour trial period your card will be charged and no refund available if canceled
72-Hour Trial Period:
First Wave Members have a 72-hour trial period after sign-up.  If membership is not canceled during that 72-hour trial period, your card will be charged, and no refund is available if canceled

Insider Access to Exclusive Information
Subscribing Members of our Global Non-Profit Humanitarian project, gain insider access to exclusive information about the new technologies being developed and studied through our Proof-of-Concept Trial Studies. Membership offers a unique opportunity to stay up-to-date on the latest advancements and to be a part of validating this transformative work in the world. Thank you for your support and dedication to advancing the study of the benefit of FREQUENCY HEALING, improving health and wellness.

Your Membership Fee
Your COMPLETED Membership is required before your *Gifted Device is shipped.

QHS Commitment
This is a startup launching incredible new technologies and with your Donation, you are making this happen. Every dollar received is allocated to developing this exciting, cutting-edge, never-before-seen, technology. We are continuing to develop technologies and until products are “sold at market” this remains a boutique Project. Meaning test products often take time while we develop and fine-tune the design and engineering, while changes take place.

The typical delivery of any device is 6 weeks. There may be delays. This is something you must be prepared for. You are contributing to the launch of the most important technology in history. Your patience is needed, as well as your active participation as a trial participant. If you have “no time to participate” please reconsider becoming a Subscribing Member. This is the most important point to make. Your active participation in supporting this study is carrying Frequency Healing to the world!

Subscribing Members of our Global Non-Profit Humanitarian project, gain insider access to exclusive information about the new technologies being developed and studied through our Proof-of-Concept Trial Studies. Membership offers a unique opportunity to stay up to date on the latest advancements and to be a part of validating this transformative work in the world. Thank you for your support and dedication to advancing the study of the benefit of FREQUENCY HEALING, improving health and

*Donations to Quantum Healing Systems®  -  QHS Project is not selling a product.
Donations made to Divine Scripture®  and Quantum Healing Systems® are just that, a “DONATION.” We do not sell anything. Every device is provided as part of a Proof-of-Concept trial study in which YOU are participating. Donations are our LIFEBLOOD and make everything possible. Your Donations are what we are building this global project with. We set a value to each Donation that establishes a target. We value every contribution we receive and are grateful for your support in helping us to advance our mission of bringing about health and Systemic Transformation.

Every piece of technology delivered is for TRIAL STUDY ONLY and NOT SOLD PUBLICLY and not to be shared with others. Only Members are allowed to use any QHS technologies.
